West Adams Mutual Aid
Visual Identity
A closely cropped photo, taken overhead, of a person placing clothing into a donation box. Overlaid onto the photo is the logo for West Adams Mutual Aid.
WAMA is a Los Angeles-based org delivering aid to and building community with neighbors experiencing homelessness.
Formed out of necessity during uncertain times, the volunteers making up WAMA operated for months without a central identity or platform to share their efforts and opportunities for others to get involved. Recognizing that this was critical to make a lasting impact, WAMA reached out for help creating a visual identity that showed that they weren’t just another charity, but are neighbors helping neighbors to uplift one another. In short, the visual identity for WAMA needed to capture their “do good” mission while also emphasizing the values of taking action and community empowerment.

The result: A playful mark paired with an approachable typeface to highlight WAMA’s steadfast, grassroots nature without sacrificing a sense of polished professionalism.
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