An illustration and motion design system created to boost user comprehension and delight within the Aspiration brand identity and mobile app.
Credits Aaron Milus, Animation
Navigating the world of consumer financial products can be a headache at best, so striving to create the easiest and most enjoyable financial app was at the center of Aspiration’s purpose. With this comes the ongoing process of informing users about various financial features, accounts, terminology, etc. And to get all this information across to our users, we always made it our goal to meet the user where they’re at; understanding where they are in their journey, and giving them the right information, at the right time, and packaged in the most helpful way possible.
To achieve this, our team developed a system for in-app illustration and animation that works to simplify complex ideas and helps to introduce the brand’s personality in a digital-first banking experience.
Simple lines and compositions are paired with effective visual metaphors to create positive brand moments for the user.
Many of the essential spot illustrations were developed into charming motion graphics using Lottie, Airbnb’s open-source, animation coding tool.